The War Rages On

Team, the prayer focus for the next day or two:

The war continues to rage in the heavenlies and is increasing in intensity over the nation.

This week we need to watch more intently and to intensify our prayer vigil in order to stand strong against the strategies of the devil - he does not want this prayer meeting to take place.

God has intended unity among the peoples of this nation, His word declares that it is not by might nor by power, but by His Spirit, that He will bring His people together in His love and mercy.

There is concern for the church that sleeps, that there would be an open door for apathy and complacency to enter and seek to keep Christians from attending the meeting. Pray, that as God's people called by His Name, we would understand that this meeting is of more significance than we realise.

Pray that those who love this nation, its people and who desire to see her destiny in Jesus fulfilled, would be at the meeting. So also all those who know that He is the only hope for this beautiful country of South Africa - We need to be there!

Please pray also for the gates to the event to become wide open so that all resources, supplies and finances needed, can be received and all the preparations can be completed in good time.

Pray also for the team, for strength and humility, and gladness of heart as they work together to finish the task. Finally please keep Oom Angus in your prayers, that he would remain focused and not become distracted.

Grace be with you all, Amen.
Jill Buchan

Hebrews 13:25