The Pure In Heart

Jesus says “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”. Matthew 5:8, NKJV.

If you and I, at this time of forced seclusion due to the dreaded coronavirus, will pursue purity and uprightness in every area of our lives, then we will have a very close and intimate walk and relationship with our Heavenly Father.

It is what is taking place on the inside of our lives today which concerns Jesus, not so much what takes place on the outside.

We have lots of extra time on our hands, let's use that time profitability - spending more time than ever before reading our Bible regularly and faithfully. Simply because Jesus is the Word in print, John 1:1. The more time we give to being in the presence of God, the purer our hearts will become. Precious time spent each morning with God will automatically increase our faith and cancel out doubt and unbelief, which originates from the very pit of hell itself.

My dearest friend, if there is one thing that separates us from walking closely with God, it’s doubting Him. When we doubt Him and His miracle-working power, in every situation of our lives, we literally tie His hands. “You can't heal me Lord", or "You can’t restore this relationship", or "You can’t deliver me from this addiction, it’s just too big.”

But the pure in heart, those men and women who get up very early in the morning, before the sun even rises and who seek God’s Holy face, they are more than able to overcome anything that the devil will try to throw at them and that includes the coronavirus.

Today let’s serve, with a pure heart, the God who said to the dead man “Lazarus, come forth!” John 11:43, And he came straight out of the tomb, grave clothes and all. It’s our 'focus' that will determine our holiness and our walk with Jesus. What are we seeing today, the sickness, or the Lord? Amen, so be it, with us today Lord Jesus, and like the Disciples of old we will say, “Increase our faith”. Luke 17:5.

With much love and prayer,
Angus and Jill Buchan.